Is gardening a pain in the (insert body part here)? Try these helpful tips. While April showers often bring May flowers, oftentimes they also bring back and joint pain. Gardening is one of the greatest joys of spring after a long winter, but the uncomfortable...
Flying with Chronic Pain
Don’t miss out on spring break: with the right preparation, you can handle flying with chronic pain. Learn more from the experts in pain care at iSpine Clinics.
Making Positive Resolutions
The new year often brings new exercise goals. Learn three tips for being successful in any exercise resolutions.
Walking to Ease Back and Neck Pain
Most of us know that regular exercise is good for us. The American Heart Association stresses the importance of regular exercise to decrease the risk of heart and lung disease, improve sleep, decrease stress and maintain a healthy weight. However, did you know that a...
4 Tips for Spring Cleaning with Chronic Pain
It’s that time of year again when we Midwesterners open windows and doors and work towards cleaning the dirt and debris tracking in from the winter and spring dethaw. Mud anyone? Cleaning needs to get done, but oftentimes the simplest chores can be a source of...
The Power of Positive Thinking
Learn more about cognitive restructuring and mindfulness practices, tools that can help BREAK the cycle of negative thought, enabling us to better manage our stress as well as our pain.
Is Neck or Back Pain Keeping You Up At Night?
For those who have neck and/or back pain, getting a good night’s sleep can be more difficult. If you aren’t getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep a night, check out these tips.
Good Posture at School
If you are a teacher, administrator, or work in a school or college setting, you likely see children and young adults slouching at desks day in and day out. Often, the desks at school are one size fits all, with no lumbar support. This lays the foundation for a...
Top 5 Positions for Better Sleep
Falling asleep with chronic pain is difficult, especially because without distractions, you may have little else to think about. Here are the top 5 positions that help getting better-quality sleep at night. Lying on your side in a fetal position This position helps...