As announced in our recent post, we’re embarking on a blog series exploring different dietary factors that contribute to an anti-inflammatory diet. This article will focus on the benefits of alliums—how this family of vegetables reduces inflammation and offers other...
Anti-Inflammatory Diets Part 3: The benefits of Zingiberaceae
As announced in our recent post, we’re embarking on a blog series exploring different dietary factors that contribute to an anti-inflammatory diet. This article will focus on the benefits of Zingiberaceae (Zin·gi·ber·a·ce·ae )—how this family of spices reduces...
Humidity & Joint Pain
Beat the Heat: Humidity and Joint Pain Chronic joint pain and inflammation can affect your mood in the best of scenarios, but when you combine it with the unflinching heat and humidity of the deep summer months, it can seem unbearable. What is it about the mercury...
How to Meditate
As shared in our last post, there are many benefits of meditation. There are also many different meditation techniques, and some have more benefits in one of these areas than others: Transcendental Meditation Mindfulness Meditation Guided Meditation Body Scan...
Benefits of Meditation
The top three benefits of meditation Every day, you balance work, family, life management, and more—we get it, life is stressful, and no matter how many times you tell yourself, “I just need to make it through this week!,” the reality is, it’s likely not going to...
Road Trip Pain
Don’t let your road trip be a pain: tips for managing summer vacation car travel School is out, summer is here, and, oh, the places you’ll go! But if the idea of managing your chronic back pain during a cross-country (or even cross-state) car ride is giving you pause,...
Anti-inflammatory Diets Part 2: Benefits of Omega-3
Anti-Inflammatory diet factors: The benefits of Omega-3As announced in our recent post, we’re embarking on a blog series exploring different dietary factors that contribute to an anti-inflammatory diet. This article will focus on the benefits of Omega-3—how they...
Anti-inflammatory Diets
Anti-Inflammatory diet factors: a blog seriesYou’ve probably heard more than a little talk lately about adopting an anti-inflammatory diet. It’s become a major conversation in healthcare, with doctors and dietitians across the country touting its benefits. We want to...
Gardening Pain
Is gardening a pain in the (insert body part here)? Try these helpful tips. While April showers often bring May flowers, oftentimes they also bring back and joint pain. Gardening is one of the greatest joys of spring after a long winter, but the uncomfortable...
Flying with Chronic Pain
Don’t miss out on spring break: with the right preparation, you can handle flying with chronic pain. Learn more from the experts in pain care at iSpine Clinics.