We all know it, a New Year and those “New Year Resolutions” can bring new exercise goals. And while resetting healthy habits is a good practice, it’s still important to listen to your body’s signals when taking on a new form of exercise, hitting the gym or any extreme diet changes. Here are three tips from the experts at iSpine Clinics.
3 Tips for Exercise Resolutions
1. Take it slow
You may feel compelled to jump all in on a new routine, but remember, slow and steady can be the best approach to creating and keeping new habits. Take it slow on determining the right number of pounds to integrate into your weightlifting, so you don’t get too sore. Slowly integrate exercise into your weekly, then daily routine. It’s great to go to the gym with a buddy if that’s what compels you to stick with your goal but be sure to listen to your body and give yourself time to rest as you work up to a steady exercise routine.
2. Take time to stretch
Stretching is a key element in fitness and relaxation. Taking the time to stretch before and after will pay dividends to sore muscles and help ensure good recovery. If you are unsure of the right stretches and working out at a gym, ask for help from a professional. Knowing the right way to stretch contributes to your success.

3. Consider making diet changes that you can keep
If you are taking on a new form of exercise, and doing so multiple times a week, your body may need more nutritious calories, not less. Concentrating on eating healthy can mean integrating an additional serving of vegetables into your diet, or simply, better choices throughout the day. Swearing off sweets or whatever your choice of “treat” indefinitely can be a recipe for not meeting your goals. It’s still okay to treat yourself! Just consider more moderation.
And remember: If you’re dealing with chronic back pain the team at iSpine Clinics is here to help. Call us at (7693) 201-8191 to schedule a consultation. With clinic locations across the Twin Cities metro area, we are proud to offer a wide range of pain relief and management services.