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Cold Weather Joint Pain

Cold Weather Joint Pain

Cold weather and joint pain—do they go hand in hand? People have varying degrees of excitement about Fall—some love the transition to sweater weather, crunchy leaves, and brisk temperatures, and some, well, very much do not as it means a Minnesota Winter is not far...

Joint Mobilization Therapy

Joint Mobilization Therapy

What are Joint Mobilization Techniques? Joint Mobilization techniques are hands-on treatment methods for pain management and mobility therapy. The primary goal of a joint mobilization is to improve the range of motion of the joint and surrounding tissues. The...

Cognitive Behavioral Training

Cognitive Behavioral Training

Pain in the Brain: How does pain work? It is common to think that pain is a result of tissue injury. You scrape your knee and it hurts. As the tissues heal, the pain goes away. But did you know, that how intense the pain is, how long it lasts, if it starts to spread,...

iSpine Clinics Builds Resiliency to Pain

iSpine Clinics Builds Resiliency to Pain

Pain is complicated. Many factors affect how a person feels and functions. iSpine Rehab Clinics provides patients an opportunity to explore their contributors to pain, learn new skills, and build new habits so they may be more resilient to pain and function better....

Muscle Release Technique

Muscle Release Technique

What are Muscle Release Techniques and How Can They Help You? Muscle release techniques are hands-on soft tissue methods for pain management and mobility therapy. Your expert iSpine Rehab Clinics therapist will use a variety of techniques to provide input to your...

Michele’s Story

Michele’s Story

Michele's Story Because I'm Worth It Michele has always been an extremely active person. She usually biked or walked everywhere she went. But that never meant she never experienced pain. In fact, she jokes, she was “built crooked.” Eight years ago, an incident while...

Slips and Falls

Slips and Falls

When snow flies: slips and falls Slip and falls are the leading causes of spinal injuries and nerve pain, especially during the winter months in Minnesota. Over 10 million people a year are injured in slip and fall accidents, according to the Mayo Clinic. When left...

Car Accidents and Chronic Pain

Car Accidents and Chronic Pain

If you’ve been in a car accident and sustained an injury, it’s important to not only seek medical treatment, but also to talk to an attorney before taking any money from an insurance company. Almost all attorney’s will consult on auto cases at no charge, in fact, if...

Top 3 Causes of Neck Pain

Top 3 Causes of Neck Pain

The neck does more than facilitate head movement. It also houses your spinal cord which sends messages from the brain to all other parts of the body. When you suffer from neck pain, however, a variety of essential functions can become quite arduous....
