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DIY Doctor Halloween Costumes

DIY Doctor Halloween Costumes

Ready to be a Pain Doctor, Physician Assistant, or Physical or Occupational Therapist without the loans? Here are quick ways to throw together a simple costume for yourself or your child in preparation for a Halloween party or Trick or Treating later this month.Pain...

Muscle Release Technique

Muscle Release Technique

What are Muscle Release Techniques and How Can They Help You? Muscle release techniques are hands-on soft tissue methods for pain management and mobility therapy. Your expert iSpine Rehab Clinics therapist will use a variety of techniques to provide input to your...

Michele’s Story

Michele’s Story

Michele's Story Because I'm Worth It Michele has always been an extremely active person. She usually biked or walked everywhere she went. But that never meant she never experienced pain. In fact, she jokes, she was “built crooked.” Eight years ago, an incident while...

Humidity & Joint Pain

Humidity & Joint Pain

Beat the Heat: Humidity and Joint Pain Chronic joint pain and inflammation can affect your mood in the best of scenarios, but when you combine it with the unflinching heat and humidity of the deep summer months, it can seem unbearable.  What is it about the mercury...

How to Meditate

How to Meditate

As shared in our last post, there are many benefits of meditation. There are also many different meditation techniques, and some have more benefits in one of these areas than others: Transcendental Meditation Mindfulness Meditation Guided Meditation Body Scan...

Benefits of Meditation

Benefits of Meditation

The top three benefits of meditation Every day, you balance work, family, life management, and more—we get it, life is stressful, and no matter how many times you tell yourself, “I just need to make it through this week!,” the reality is, it’s likely not going to...

Road Trip Pain

Road Trip Pain

Don’t let your road trip be a pain: tips for managing summer vacation car travel School is out, summer is here, and, oh, the places you’ll go! But if the idea of managing your chronic back pain during a cross-country (or even cross-state) car ride is giving you pause,...
