At iSpine Rehab Clinics, our therapists use specialized machines called MedX machines to isolate and target muscles along the spine. By strengthening these muscles patients can reduce pain and other symptoms associated with core weakness. The inventor of MedX machines also created the Nautilus machines that one may see in health clubs found throughout the country. We have known for decades now that strengthening the spine can be very successful in treatment of neck and back pain.

With use of MedX machines, our patients improve their tolerance for daily activities such as playing with their children/grandchildren and enjoying hobbies and sports again. While traditional home exercises can help manage neck and back pain, studies show that they aren’t the most efficient in strengthening the muscles that are responsible for stabilizing the spine. When these muscles are weak it causes an increase in stress to the ligaments and joints of our spine resulting in pain and other symptoms as well.
MedX machines are designed to eliminate improper muscle use with movement and allows for the patient to isolate the muscles along the spine while also increasing the safety of performing the exercise in a controlled environment. At iSpine Rehab, you will be properly fitted for each machine and supervised by a MedX certified therapist each visit who will also determine weight progressions. While this is an integral part of most patients’ treatment plan, we also treat the person as a whole and will help develop a home exercise program for the patient to continue with when they have completed the program to maintain the strength gained during therapy sessions.
If you would like to consider iSpine Rehab Clinics for your rehabilitation or physical therapy needs, call (763) 299-6974 today to schedule a consultation.