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Ready to be a Pain Doctor, Physician Assistant, or Physical or Occupational Therapist without the loans? Here are quick ways to throw together a simple costume for yourself or your child in preparation for a Halloween party or Trick or Treating later this month.

Pain Doctor Costume

For this costume, you’ll need:

  • Men’s dress shirt or an old white t-shirt (cut it down the middle!)
  • A mask (who doesn’t have one lying around from the pandemic?)
  • Cut a red cross out of red paper (or color one with a red marker) and tape it to your shirt
  • See other optional additions, below

Physician Assistant/Nurse Practitioner Costume

For this costume, you’ll need:

  • A pair of scrubs, a men’s dress shirt or an old white t-shirt (cut it down the middle!)
  • A mask (who doesn’t have one lying around from the pandemic?)
  • Cut a red cross out of red paper (or color one with a red marker) and tape it to your shirt
  • See other optional additions, below

Physical/Occupational Therapist Costume

For this costume, you’ll need:

  • A pair of scrubs or just a top and bottom in the same color
  • A mask (who doesn’t have one lying around from the pandemic?)
  • Extra points: Look up some simple stretches online and use your new skills as an icebreaker
  • See other optional additions, below

Optional additions:

  • A clipboard or notepad and pen
  • A pair of plastic gloves (if you have an appointment this month, ask us for a pair!)
  • A pair of reading glasses or safety glasses
  • Make an ID badge – use a play on words to create a silly name like Dr. Payne, Dr. Feel Good or I. Healsgood
  • A toy stethoscope
  • Toy hammer (reflex hammer!)
  • Shower cap
  • A magnifying glass
  • Children’s safety scissors
  • An empty medicine bottle or dropper
  • A file folder, some paper and pen
  • A dark colored purse or briefcase
  • Raid your medicine cabinet for some Band-Aids or a first aid kit to use as your purse
  • A retractable tape measure
  • Gauze, for either your pocket or to make yourself into a crazy doctor put it around your own head

Check out your local thrift store, sift thru your children’s doctor kit or your first aid kit, or visit the dollar store for in-expensive supplies!

1st Year Student Costume

Another alternative if you want to go really inexpensive and just put together some things from home is to dress like you are in college or medical school and make a name tag that says “1st year.”

Most importantly with any costume: Have Fun!

In the event you have real pain, we hope you’ll consider coming to visit with our pain doctors, physician assistants and nurse practitioners, or physical and occupational therapists at iSpine Clinics. Learn more >
