At iSpine Clinics we offer the Intracept Procedure, which is a safe, minimally invasive treatment that targets the basivertebral nerve for the relief of chronic vertebrogenic low back pain. Studies have shown the vertebral endplates can be a significant source of chronic low back pain, where vertebrogenic pain is transmitted through the basivertebral nerve. This procedure is considered for relief of chronic low back pain of at least six months duration that has not responded to conservative care and accompanied by bone changes found on an MRI study.
What to Expect
Intracept is a Procedure that uses image-guidance (fluoroscopy) to create a channel into the spine gaining access to the trunk of the basivertebral nerve. Then the Intracept Radiofrequency Probe is inserted through the channel and used to ablate the basiverteral nerve, permanently ending these specific pain signals to the brain.

Explore the Twin Cities Metro Clinics where we evaluate patients for the Intracept Procedure
*iSpine Clinics where Intracept procedures are conducted

Dark blue pins represent iSpine Pain Clinic locations