Arm, Leg or “Extremity” Pain
When it comes to extremity pain, the experts at iSpine Clinics are here to help you get back to your life.
Are you experiencing consistent pain in your upper (arms, wrists or hands) or lower (legs, ankles or feet) extremities?
Extremity pain is a common problem that can severely impact your quality of life. It can limit your ability to perform daily tasks, be active or care for others. It can cause you to miss work.
Regardless of the type of condition, disease or accident that caused it, the team at iSpine Clinics are experts in the treatment and rehabilitation of chronic extremity pain when home remedies and over the counter medications don’t work.
Like CRPS, arm, leg or extremity pain can affect you long-term. iSpine Clinics specialists will help diagnose and treat your chronic pain.
Treating Extremity Pain
When home remedies and over the counter medications fail to help you relieve your upper or lower extremity pain, the team at iSpine Clinics offers a variety of options for diagnosing and treating your pain.
Helping our patients return to the activities they want and need to do is our top priority. Our specialized Pain Care, Rehab or Vascular teams will regularly evaluate your progress to ensure we help you meet what is important to you.
If Rehab treatment is right for you, our team of therapists will assist with postural retraining and ergonomic education to reduce the stress on your joints. We provide individual home exercise programs so strengthening and conditioning can continue outside the walls of our clinics and provide long-term results.
Some of the upper and lower extremity conditions and disorders we treat, include:
- Arthritis
- Chronic Pain Syndromes
- Elbow Epicondylitis
- Impingement Generalized pain
- Hip Bursitis
- IT Band Syndrome
- Muscle Imbalances
- Nerve Compression Syndromes
- Parterllofemoral Syndrome
- Post-Traumatic Injuries
- Postural Syndrome
- Repetitive Stress/Overuse Injuries
- Soft-tissue restrictions and/or scar tissue to trauma
- Sprains/Strains
- Tendonitis/Bursitis
- Symptoms caused by Varicose Veins
- And more!

Pain alters normal muscle activity which leads to loss of strength and range of motion. Whether you have had pain for a few months or a few years, iSpine Rehab can help. Our Extremity Pain Program is aimed at improving posture, strength and restoring range of motion to enable you to return to work, daily and recreational activities.
Ready to Schedule?
If you would like to schedule an appointment or simply learn more about iSpine Clinics services, please call us at 763-201-8191 or fill out our New Patient Consultation Request Form. We are here to assist you in any way we can.
We know that living with muscle, bone or joint pain is no fun. We will do our best to schedule you with one of our specialists as soon as possible. We pride ourselves on our ability to accommodate your need for a specialized medical evaluation as quickly as possible.