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Our Approach to Rehabilitative Therapy

The iSpine Rehab team has specialization in active, physical rehabilitation for over 30 years. We understand that pain is complicated, and many factors affect daily function. Our treatment approach considers the “whole” person by addressing the multiple contributors to pain, including both the physical strength and mobility issues as well as the typical mental hurdles that prevent someone in pain from being active.

At iSpine Rehab Clinics, it’s not uncommon for us to see patients that have gone through physical therapy or chiropractic care in the past, yet continue to experience functional problems. We tailor our program to meet each patient’s unique needs.

iSpine rehab MedX equipment training

We help patients set and achieve functional goals so they can get back to doing the things they want to do. 

Our approach to rehabilitation may include:

  • Active therapy to build strength, mobility and improve function.
  • Utilizing MedX equipment, the gold standard in isolated spinal exercise to safely improve the range of motion and strength of each patient.
  • Teaching pain management strategies, including pain neuro-science education, movement, self-care, ergonomic tips, lifting and body mechanics, and much more.
  • Our Return-to-Work Program helps you remain at work or return to work as quickly as possible. Our occupational therapists help workers problem solve and build endurance to job specific tasks.
  • Helping you develop new habits for a successful aftercare program including a customized home exercise program and pain management techniques for lasting results.

A Key Ingredient: Cognitive Behavioral Coaching (CBC)

Our unique program identifies and addresses the psychological barriers and mental hurdles that often accompany chronic pain in a simple and manageable way. Each member of the Rehab Team has been trained in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) principles. Our therapists provide coaching to help the patient address and manage fears, anxieties and other barriers preventing them from their optimal outcome. Listening, problem-solving, and taking a graded approach to movement helps patients gain confidence and be successful in returning to their valued activities. This evidence-based approach has allowed us to achieve excellent outcomes for thousands of patients over the past several years. Learn more about CBT >

doctor patient consultation
iSpine Rehab therapist doing a manual neck stretch on a patient

Building Pain Resiliency

iSpine pain rehabilitation will provide you with an opportunity to explore your unique contributors to pain, learn new skills, and build new habits so you can be more resilient to pain and function better.  Each patient is provided a guidebook “Learning to be Your Own Therapist” that is used during rehabilitation sessions with therapists.  Together, you review the lessons and learn the exercises at a pace that is right for you.

For patients with more complex conditions or injuries, a physician will consult with them as needed to ensure optimal recovery is achieved.

Evidenced-based Care to Achieve Maximum Results

Functional Outcomes

The iSpine Rehab team customizes each program to improve individual’s function, strength, range of motion and endurance. For individuals seeking treatment for neck or back pain, iSpine utilizes MedX medical equipment to isolate and strengthen key muscles. It also provides objective data on a patient’s strength and range of motion improvement which are two excellent indicators of improved function.

Continuous Quality Improvement

iSpine Rehab’s Quality Program measures and reports outcomes on an ongoing basis. The data provides a gauge on the effectiveness of our treatment, feedback on new programs and services, as well as provides insight into opportunities for improvement – all of which support continuous growth, innovation, and improvement in musculoskeletal treatment.


93% of patients would recommend us


60% of patients report a meaningful pain reduction


63% of patients report a reduction in pain medication use


74% of patients report a meaningful change in headaches

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